My Vintage Stereo Stack In The Bedroom

My Bedroom Clock This vintage audio stack is currently set in the bedroom. To be really complete, it needs a tape deck, cassette and reel-to-reel, and possibly a switcher, and a turntable... The black-bodied amplifier was switched from the matching silver-bodied one that needs cleaning, it was too scratchy. The stack is connected to a pair of Series III Bose 301 speakers. The timer is used as a clock right now and works well. It works in 24 hour mode, which I prefer, and is very easy to reset after a power outage for instance... The timer can be used to turn on and off the amplifier at preset times, so this system could be used as large and fairly powerful alarm clock! The amplifier was eventually bypassed by a Lepai 2020+. I rarely turn it on, but for the times I actually want to use the tuner, the Akai amplifier was too difficult to control at very low volumes... This is what happens when you have bit of extra gear lying around. Hey, use what you have!