Bluetooth Transmitter And Receiver With A Vintage Amp

Bluetooth Connectivity, The Good There is one component that was missing from my vintage amplifier and this was Bluetooth. Well, you know, one needs Bluetooth. Connectivity with wireless devices is a great asset in our day and age. Of course there are some drawbacks, but I'll get back to that. First let talk about this little device I purchased a little while ago. Made by MPOW, it connect my amplifier to my computer or to my headphones, wirelessly. It is a rectangular piece of plastic containing a circuit that makes your vintage amplifier able to transmit or to receive. It is powered from the wall outlet, but can also hold a charge for a few days without being plugged in. I keep mine permanently plugged in. These functions can be toggled, It can either receive or transmit. Currently, I have it connected to my wireless headphones which I use all the time in the apartment. Keep in mind this is only one of such devices on the market, I just happened to get this one, the price/q...