Lepai Hi-Fi Digital Amplifier TA-2020 (TA2020A+)

I know this is not vintage subject matter, but I just got this small amplifier from China for a about 30$ US, including shipping. I was wondering while I waited for it to arrive from China if such a small amplifier could handle my Large Advent speakers and what the big deal was about.. Je sais bien que nous ne sommes plus dans le « vintage » ici, mais j'ai reçu ce petit ampli de Chine pour un coût dérisoire, je devais partager mon enthousiasme . Pourtant, je me suis demandé en attendant son arrivée de Chine comment il se comporterait face à mes enceintes Large Advents . Well, I was impressed, the sound is very, very good and there's plenty of power for my small apartment... plenty. Good separation and very nice solid sound. For the price what do you want... Well, you get a lot for the money in the sound department with this tiny amplifier. There are controls for Bass and Treble, most similar amps don't have these. I also got a...