Lepai Hi-Fi Digital Amplifier TA-2020 (TA2020A+)

I know this is not vintage subject matter, but I just got this small amplifier from China for a about 30$ US, including shipping. I was wondering while I waited for it to arrive from China if such a small amplifier could handle my Large Advent speakers and what the big deal was about.. 

Je sais bien que nous ne sommes plus dans le « vintage » ici, mais j'ai reçu ce petit ampli de Chine pour un coût dérisoire, je devais partager mon enthousiasmePourtant, je me suis demandé en attendant son arrivée de Chine comment il se comporterait face à mes enceintes Large Advents.

Well, I was impressed, the sound is very, very good and there's plenty of power for my small apartment... plenty. Good separation and very nice solid sound. For the price what do you want...
Well, you get a lot for the money in the sound department with this tiny amplifier.
There are controls for Bass and Treble, most similar amps don't have these. I also got a tone/direct button to bypass the pre-amp stage with this one, this model usually doesn't have one.
After some research it turns out to be the newer model, TA2020A+.

J'ai été impressionné dès la première écoute! 
Bonne résolution et excellente séparation, 
un son cristallin mais qui tient bien aussi dans les basses.
Ce modèle possède en plus un bouton « tone/direct » qui permet de désactivé la section pré-ampli.
Le fini en général est bon mais il y a quelques petites failles :
le bouton volume ne tourne pas bien et et la face en aluminium était égratignée. 
Peut importe, à ce prix, j'aime beaucoup et le son est vraiment très bon. Mon Akai AM-2800 (80 watt par canal et des nouveaux condensateurs, c'est un monstre) est au repos en ce moment. J'économise de l'énergie aussi... Le petit Lepai ne chauffe, à toutes fins pratiques, pas du tout... ;)

The finish is poor on front plate, it looks "used"
and the volume knob has difficulty turning below a certain point... I love it anyway!

Sitting on top of my Akai AM-2800, the Lepai is tiny.

Behold! The Big blue volume dial light.

Driving a pair of Large Advents

Yamaha RX-V670

Mac mini connected to the Yamaha

I use the Yamaha RX-V670 as a sound processor/controller only, I do not use it's internal amps.
This permits me to still use the Yamaha with the remote control
to change sources or control volume at a distance.
The Lepai is using my 5.0 channel Yamaha for sources. The Yamaha is bridged (no use of internal amps, only 2 wires come out of the Yamaha and go into the Lepai) and outputs to the Lepai All the sources go into the Yamaha (computer, turntable, reel-to-reel, cassette tape, TV, kitchen sink).
The Lepai amplifier drives my 2 large Advents with ease at room volume  
- with about 13 Watts per channel at 8 Ohm and 20 Watts at 4 Ohm.
I will try it in 4 Ohm mode with my other pair of Advents when I get a chance.

My amp is slightly different than the one on the box, it has a tone/direct button which this model does'nt usually have, it seems it's a newer model. The box itself pictures different images on each side of the box, go figure. The watt rating on the box is the "new" way of rating amps... 20 watts becomes 550!

I put a piece or "stylish" rubber to hold the Lepai in place - the Lepai is very light and has a tendency to be carried away by the weight of the wires in the back.

Right now, this little Lepai is driving my system while the 80 watt per channel Akai AM-2800 (re-capped and no slouch) is taking a vacation. Hey, it's good for the environment! I think my electricity bill is going to go down! Hardly any heat is coming out of the Lepai's aluminium shell.


Well, I ordered 2 more Lepai amps., they will be driving my advents -  one amp, two speakers mode.
I just also bought a tube amp from China, but more on that later!
I gave the first Lepai to my brother to investigate ;)


Here are the Lepai amplifiers powering the system, 2 original "large" Advents 
and 2 Yamaha NS-451 RM (Rock Monitors, but more on those later...)
Between the Yamaha 5.0 channel RX-V670 and the Lepais sits a Yaqin tube buffer 
with the original 6J1 tubes.


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